The German True Fleet Market continues its 2017 roller coaster ride
Roma, 14.07.17
Germany’s True Fleet Market has once again taken a dip and continues to perpetuate the opposing months of positive and negative growth. The Total market finished just shy of 340,000 registrations, down 3.5% over last June’s tally but still remaining positive with a year-to-date growth of + 3.1%. Looking into the channel split we saw the Private Market register a – 6.5%, True Fleet hit its third negative month of the year with a – 4.5% while Special Channels registered just 32 units over last June keeping them somewhat even in the growth stakes.
The Top 10 manufacturers for True Fleet remained somewhat stable in term of ranking change with only the 10th position brand making a significant jump. VW and Audi took the Top 2 spots with no changes from last June’s ranking. Mercedes in 3rd and BMW in 4th pirouetted around each other followed by Skoda in 5th and Ford in 6th each performing the same manoeuvre. Opel, Renault and SEAT all retained their places in 7th, 8th and 9th respectively but Peugeot in 10th was the star of the Top 10. The Peugeot Lion was out in force as they hit a monthly growth rate of 171.2% jumping nine places to squeeze themselves into that 10th position. Perhaps unsurprisingly it was the 3008 driving the “Lion’s share” of this volume growth.
Our final look on the German market place took us into the fuel segment comparison across market channels. While much is being commenting on at present in regards to both alternative fuels and diesel we are fortunate enough to see the registration data at a depth where the trends are easily identifiable and it certainly make for interesting reading. Germany has always been one of the strongest markets for diesel engine vehicles but year-to-date this fuel has dropped by 9.1% in comparison to the same period last year. The hardest hit has been the Private Market with close to 35,000 fewer diesels registered, True Fleets where diesel is still king has fallen by 5.7% YTD and maybe the most telling, certainly for the German market place, is that of Manufacturer registrations for petrol engine vehicles. The YTD numbers are just shy of 20,000 units in favour of petrol over diesel, while last year’s number for the same time period showed Diesel registration were 3,400 units over Petrol. So while there has been plenty of press surrounding how this drop is not yet affecting residual values this slide will certainly become visible in the coming months and years.
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