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True Fleet Market Spain scores the best October result since 2007

Roma, 16.11.17

The Spanish True Fleet Market really is performing extraordinarily well. With October up 18.1% this has now marked the fourth month of True Fleet growth in 2017 to breach that 18% mark, pushing the year-to-date volume growth to an impressive + 13.4%. Both the Private Market and Special Channels were in good shape with + 11.3% and + 20.3 % respectively. This summed up to a Total Market of almost 99,000 new car registrations and although a six-digit number was just missed this is the best result for October since 2007.

Brand performance

Within the fleet market a lot of manufacturers are fuelling this positive trend. The Top 8 brands all reported rising volumes when compared to October 2016. Renault in first place and Volkswagen in second swapped their places with Peugeot completing the podium. SEAT (4th) and Audi (5th) both gained several positions thanks to brilliant performances with growth rates of + 75.2% and + 60.6% respectively.

For SEAT the biggest push didn’t come from the usual suspect – the SUV Ateca – but from the models Leon and Ibiza. But you can be pretty sure that the Sports Utility Vehicles segment will grow at SEAT in the near future with the all-new Arona showing up with its first registrations in the Spanish fleet Market. There is certainly a lot more to come in the not to distant future.

With respect to Audi there was a long list of models which achieved significantly higher registration figures, with the Q3 taking the manufacturers top spot for the very first time, with it being followed by A4 and A1.

The Top 10 ranking by brands was completed by Mercedes, Citroën, Toyota, Opel and Ford. Further down the ranking Fiat (15th) more than doubled its volume while Volvo (16th) was stable (to say the least) with exactly one registration more than twelve months ago.

Looking at the ranking of vehicle segments the order remained unchanged. SUV is clearly the strongest section and is expanding its leadership further. In October, SUV represented a share of 33.9% (30.6% in October 2016) while the portion of Compact Cars (2nd) dropped from 23.8% to 22.3%. In 3rd position you can find the segment of Small Cars reaching a share of 15.5% (14.9%). The Spanish company car drivers certainly have an affection for this segment as it has one of the highest shares of Small Cars for October.

Despite the stable ranking we could identify a few changes regarding the most preferred models in certain segments: the SEAT Leon took the crown within the Compact Cars. The same is true for Renault Scenic (Mini Vans), Seat Alhambra (Large Vans) and the E-Class from Mercedes which not only scored a remarkable growth of 78.2% but its highest market share within the Higher Middle Class since Dataforce records began.

In caso di pubblicazione, indicare sempre: “Elaborazione Dataforce su fonte Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti e ACI”.

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