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L’accelerazione delle immatricolazioni 2018 fa crescere le flotte vere – ilSole24Ore – Salvatore Saladino

Il mercato. L’andamento nei primi cinque Paesi Ue al netto delle «km zero» L’entrata in vigore delle nuove normative nei test sulle emissioni che, dal […]
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Rapporto ANIASA 2017: analisi Dataforce sulle flotte aziendali in Europa, canali e alimentazioni

Pur se sollecitata a livello mondiale – da una parte da problematiche sulle motorizzazioni e sui livelli di emissioni e dall’altra da rivoluzionari futuri scenari dei mercati […]
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Nelle flotte dei primi 7 paesi europei il diesel perde quota – ilSole24Ore – Salvatore Saladino

In calo dell’11,5% le consegne nel primo trimestre – Le vetture più «green» a quota 57mila Il diesel è l’orco cattivo? Per alcuni sì, per […]
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The UK’s True Fleet breaks the negative trend but can it maintain beyond April?

Is there a glimmer of hope for the UK Fleet market for 2018? Perhaps, as True Fleet recorded its first set of positive numbers in […]
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Top 5 in Europa: i modelli più venduti nelle flotte

ilSole24Ore – Rapporti Auto Business I clienti business europei resistono alla Suv-mania Tra i 5 Paesi più importanti d’Europa a livello di volumi di vendita […]
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True Fleet in the UK continues to look for its equilibrium

The difficult circumstances continue for the UK True Fleet market, with its now 12th month of decline. The hope that the new plate release would […]
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The UKs True Fleet Market continues to battle the negative slide

True Fleet in the UK has again been in a skirmish with declining registration numbers and while this was still a negative month it is […]
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On your marks, get set, stalled – UKs True Fleet engine with some problems

The UK’s True Fleet market continues to stall with another month of decline added to the last nine with the Private Market also following in […]
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True Fleet stepped up another gear in 2017 with only one exception

The True Fleet Market for the EU-5 had another exceptional year with all but one of the individual markets beating out last year’s record numbers. […]
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