Il mercato. L’andamento nei primi cinque Paesi Ue al netto delle «km zero» L’entrata in vigore delle nuove normative nei test sulle emissioni che, dal […]
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Pur se sollecitata a livello mondiale – da una parte da problematiche sulle motorizzazioni e sui livelli di emissioni e dall’altra da rivoluzionari futuri scenari dei mercati […]
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In calo dell’11,5% le consegne nel primo trimestre – Le vetture più «green» a quota 57mila Il diesel è l’orco cattivo? Per alcuni sì, per […]
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Is there a glimmer of hope for the UK Fleet market for 2018? Perhaps, as True Fleet recorded its first set of positive numbers in […]
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ilSole24Ore – Rapporti Auto Business I clienti business europei resistono alla Suv-mania Tra i 5 Paesi più importanti d’Europa a livello di volumi di vendita […]
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The difficult circumstances continue for the UK True Fleet market, with its now 12th month of decline. The hope that the new plate release would […]
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True Fleet in the UK has again been in a skirmish with declining registration numbers and while this was still a negative month it is […]
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The UK’s True Fleet market continues to stall with another month of decline added to the last nine with the Private Market also following in […]
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The True Fleet Market for the EU-5 had another exceptional year with all but one of the individual markets beating out last year’s record numbers. […]
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