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Michael & Richard Norway September 2018

Hallo! God morgen! God Kveldt! Perhaps God Natt?

Jeg snakker bare litt norsk ? But its Richard…. & Michael once again from the company Dataforce

Richard: So this month we decided on Norway and while you may think were in the hold of the Milenium Falcon or perhaps at Nasa were not, we are here in our server room at Dataforce surround by the towers which hold all the wonderful data we collect.

Michael: Yep that’s right and while you may still be wondering why we are here, we figured to get into the swing of delivering the Norsk insights we better chill ourselves out a little and pretend like were in…

Publication only with indication of source (Dataforce).

The company DATAFORCE - Wir zählen Autos
As a leading market research company, we bring transparency to the European automotive market. Independent - with over 25 years of experience - we set standards and make markets comparable.