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Data available in different sales channels for more than 50 countries

Get the data of the automotive market you need

As market leader for segmented market information, we provide you with the best data from more than 50 countries on a monthly, quaterly, half-yearly and annual base.

You will find a unique, in-depth view of the different market segments that allows you to have a deep understanding of the different registration types/sales channels:

  • Private registrations
  • Fleet registrations & Leasing company registrations
  • Rental company registrations (RAC)
  • Dealership registrations
  • Manufacturers registrations

These distinctions give you a quick and easy access to these increasingly important market segments of the automobile industry.

Precision data allows for a clear, concise and realistic assessment of the entire market.

   In which market segment am I selling my cars?

   Are the smallest fleets significant for my target customers?

   How am I performing versus my direct competitor?

   Is my sales push working?

How do you want your data delivered?

Reporting in TABLEAU

IBM Cognos Viewer

File or Feed

With IRIS VIEWS we offer intuitive visualizations and drill-down possibilities to provide information for manager as well as the data analyst.

IBM Cognos Viewer, our convenient and flexible online analysis tool that helps the market analyst to research what is happening in the market. Easy to download datasets for further analysis.

As PPT, PDF, XLS, HTML or via API, we create and deliver our static and dynamic reports to your individual needs.

IRIS VIEWS trademark
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Dataforce IRIS Cube Ansicht 2023

Our Available Market Dimensions

We provide a unique, in-depth view of market segments and distinguish among fleets according to size and type of vehicles. Our data is available on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly and annual base.

To polish the accurate representation of market segments, we are able to dive deep into the data even more:

Car Makes


Fuel Type / EV

Vehicle Body Type

Country Regional Info

Fleet Size

Engine Power


Examples of the market dimensions

How this data segmentation looks like is shown in the following example regarding body type segmentation:

Based on our Italian market data, the following example shows a regional segmentation in its details:

Are you currently planning to design an individual report or would you like to talk about the various options in more detail? Your contact persons will be happy to provide you with no obligation:


Customer Services
Phone: +49 69 95930-352
Fax:+49 69 95930-549

Dataforce Customer Services