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Michael & Richard Netherlands Dec 18

Hallo! „Khoo duh More khen“   „Khoo duh midakh“  Its Michael and Richard….from the company Dataforce

R:So while it is now actually 2019 and this is our first video of the year this video will indeed revolve around the finishing of 2018, so if you are still unaware given my masterful butchery of

the Dutch introduction it will be on the Netherlands.

M: Yep, Happy New year viewers, it is great to be in front of the camera and once again we have some cool figures, updates and data from the Netherlands. In fact the Dutch taxation authority have become somewhat adept at making spectacular Decembers for True Fleets…..and sometimes the other channels when it comes to Model popularity.

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Das Unternehmen DATAFORCE - Wir zählen Autos
Als führendes Marktforschungsunternehmen bringen wir Transparenz in den europäischen Automobilmarkt. Unabhängig - mit über 25 Jahren Erfahrung - setzen wir Standards und machen Märkte vergleichbar.