Mr. J. Senior Manager Fleet Sales Europe
The times in which the aim was simply to achieve a certain volume of vehicle registrations are long gone. Today performance is measured in relation to clear targets linked to defined customer groups. And that’s true for most European markets. This makes a standardized approach all the more important so that results can be compared with accuracy across various nations. Therefore, I use the know-how, experience and data provided by Dataforce, the recognized experts in market segmentation.
Solution - Market Data Solution - Sales Support Solution - Reporting Solution - Market ResearchDealership
Mr. A. Fleet Manager Key Accounts
In our region a lot is happening; many new firms are moving in while a few others disappear. Fleetbase Online has enabled me to capture my target audiences and business clients with updated relevant information for both new and existing customers. I’ve already been working with this tool for years and have even begun using it as a CRM system.
Solution - Sales SupportLeasing Companies
Mrs. F. Business Analyst Automotive
In our discussions with auto manufacturers, I must be able to analyse the performance of different brands. A glance at registration volume in various market channels gives me a comprehensive picture of how manufacturers are behaving and where at the moment the may be “feeling the pinch”. It’s exactly this understanding of the market in which Dataforce’s European registration data, broken down into market segments, gives me an edge.
Solution - Market DataEnergy Industries
Mr. W. Sales/Marketing
I need the company addresses of commercial customers from creative industries, because their interest in electric cars is highest at present. Dataforce delivered exactly these prequalified fleet profiles allowing me to jump right into active sales.
Solution - Sales Support Solution - Market ResearchAutomotive Suppliers
Mrs. M. Senior Marketing Director Europe
Auto manufacturers are our most important group of customers. I must ensure that our team is knowledgeable, thoroughly briefed on the industry, and able to negotiate one on one. And this necessitates this use of analyses showing which brands and models have been registered in significant numbers in Europe. Not the market as a whole but rather the insight into the commercial vehicle branch. In this, Dataforce provides welcome support not only by making available just the necessary appropriate figures but also by helping us to evaluate and interpret the data.
Solution - Market DataMore
Mrs. E. Sales Manager Telematics
Telematics is booming in German fleets! We have developed a partial solution perfectly tailored to certain select automotive sectors. Dataforce tells me not only whether auto electronics have been generally integrated into a specific fleet but also what partial solutions have already been applied. This allows me to define with greater certainty my target audience. The perfect basis for me and my sales team to build upon.
Solution - Sales Support